I choosed Pandawa because they are pretty popular and its not too hard to search in-depth encyclopedia about them in internet. I know people will gave me that 'look' because i took popular subject, but i don't care since its really ironic for such popular figures i didn't know anything about them.
I made this on Desain Komikasi Visual Subject, where i choose some subject and put them to many media.
I choose to made tote bag, t-shirt, bookmarks, calendar, cellphone voucher, postcards, pins/buttons, file holder, and custome brochure.
Highlights on brochure design:
If you opened the brochure, you can find profile of each Pandawa's characters. I kinda like this design though its a bit hard to opening it.
Highlight on Poscards set
Each postcards contains Pandawa's characters that explain the meaning of their simbolic personalities such as:
Yudhistira: SUSETYO Seriously leading the others four.
Bima : SANTOSA Strongly and determinedly protecting Pandawa.
Arjuna : BENER who was alert to keep the truth
Nakula : PINTER clever and skillful. No goal could be reached without a skill.
Sadewa : SUSILA & TATAKRAMA accomplished everything with the principle at high morality.
Source Joglosemar
And i forgot to mention about the calendar. Its mini calendar consist 4 monthly means only have 3 pictures in it, each picture have 4 months in it.
Every pictures i named "Sangkan, Paraning, Dumadi"
What is Sangkan Paraning Dumadi? There many ways to explain this but shorty its about birth of human, the meaning of their life and existence towards death or nothingness and complete peacefullness.
Its kinda difficult subject anyway hahahaha, but i think its a bit like Buddhism? complete the circle of life and reach nirvana.
Aaaanyway, i got many new experience and study because of this, i hope someday i got another project about Wayang again :)
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